AI for Audio Description Generation?

I have a product idea to use artifical intelligence to create audio descriptions for film and television. It was a winner at USC’s Entertainment Technology Center’s Immersive Media Challenge. Here is the 3min pitch, it includes a section of The Lion King which maybe I will get asked to remove due to rights, but its …

Image Processing in The Age of Surveillance

TL:DR How three forces: the explosion of individual images available online, theaccelerating data science capabilities of image processing, and pressure on individual rights and freedoms impact the use of image recognition in surveillance in crime prevention and criminal prosecution. Covers the potential risks of reliance on this kind of visual evidence, and recommendations to reduce …

Exploration of Tree Based Gradient Boosting Models to classify terrorism events as Suicide Attacks

Using Tree Based Gradient Boosting Models to classify terrorism events as Suicide Attacks Tracy Keys 13 June 2017 Background My team Gonzo at UTS used the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) to explore whether distinct features of terrorism events could predict the ABC’s online reaction to them. We did this through web scraping the ABC’s Twitter …

Git it on…. maybe not!

I’ve been mildly anxious about my hard work being on my c drive, managing version control, tracking my thinking and learning, that kind of thing, and then last night, I got this error trying to open my work… load(“~/R/lineartimeseries/DAM assignment 2 Pt A Q3 v1.R”) Error: bad restore file magic number (file may be corrupted) …

Using topicmodels package for analysis of topics in texts

My vignette is about text mining and analysis, utilising the tm and topicmodels packages in R and Latent Dirichlet Allocation, to work out what the documents are written about without having to read them all! The vignette shows you how to create a Document-Term Matrix, then uses LDA to work out what key themes are …